​​​Little Lodge Counselling

​​Person-Centred Counselling in Bexhill-on-Sea.

“Lucy has been my supervisor during my counselling training and this has continued into my practice since qualifying. It has been incredibly helpful to have the support and guidance of someone who understands and embodies the person-centred approach so well.  She has been invaluable to my development as a person-centred counsellor, helping me to find my way of being with clients.   She has provided a welcoming and supportive environment in which to discuss and debate person-centred theory and how that looks in practice.  It’s so important as a counsellor to feel safe and supported enough to bring all aspects of client work to supervision and Lucy has been able to provide me with that very necessary environment. Her contribution has enhanced my learning and ability to practice and to be the counsellor I am today.”



Supervision Testimonials

"During my training I approached Lucy to provide one to one supervision on top of group supervision. This one to one experience gave me so much, having a mix of face to face and remote sessions when needed, their supervision room is welcoming and put me at ease as soon as I arrived. I found it very easy to be open and honest with my experiences with my clients and I was met with a non judgemental and holding approach from Lucy where I felt I could learn from my work and move forward.
Very reliable, honest and holding experience"



Lucy has been my supervisor for 9 months during my placement as a second year student and I will definitely be continuing to work with her.
Lucy always meets me where I am with my client work and my process and supports me in finding my own answers in the true person-centred way. She offers great insight and has been with me for some really important lightbulb moments.
Lucy is supportive, accommodating, kind, experienced, she listens and she has a fun personality, which is what made me click with her at the start.
I fully recommend Lucy!"



"Lucy has been an exceptionally kind, compassionate and down to earth supervisor. I have always felt comfortable bringing the issues needed to supervision without fear of judgement, which has enabled me to become a more congruent and well-rounded practitioner. Lucy has always been incredibly supportive, not only facilitating insights into my client work but also providing a safe and trusting environment for me to honestly reflect on anything influencing my work. Lucy has provided the space to empower me to feel more confident in myself as a counsellor and I feel very lucky to have benefited from her guidance and mentorship."



"I found my experience as a supervisee with Lucy to be  Reflective, Supportive, Restorative & an in depth personal experience. Being Person-centred is at the heart my practice, and who I am. With her knowledge and calmness Lucy has held and guided me through, helping me to be the best I can be for my clients. My experience of Lucy has been that she was totally accepting of me and without judgement allowed me to bring myself to supervision rather than a version of me." 



"Lucy is a very knowledgeable and experienced supervisor, I felt completely supported by her, always leaving with new insights on how to resolve things and how to develop in my practice. I felt heard, looked after and encouraged by her to trust in myself."



"Supervision is a joint endeavour in which a practitioner with the help of a supervisor, attends to their clients, themselves as part of their client practitioner relationships and the wider systemic context, and by doing so improves the quality of their work, transforms their client relationships, continuously develops themselves, their practice and the wider profession."

Hawkins, P. & Shohet, R. (2012:60) Supervision in the Helping Professions Open University Press: England


I have a diploma for supervision in the Person-centred approach, and have been a supervisor since 2019, I have worked with students and qualified counsellors and have completed over 300 hours. I currently offer private supervision and work with Dragonflies Bereavement Project and SCDA as their placement supervisor. 

The necessary attitudes to promote a therapeutic counselling supervision practice I will be using are based upon the Person-Centred Approach, and the conditions of: empathy, congruence and unconditional positive regard. I will be holding the relationship as equal, I will be enabling the supervisee, but no telling them what to do. The relationship is paramount and the holding factor of the sessions. These attitudes will set the climate for the supervisee and myself as the supervisor, becoming the foundation of the relationship. This is essential when building trust, and safety which is needed in supervision so you will be able to share your experiences congruently without fear of being  judged or belittled. 

In conclusion I feel my supervision practice is built on the relationship as the key stone. I will trust in the process and be fluid, in the moment but also able to challenge when needed.

I work with the; normative, formative, restorative model in my practice. 

Supervision session is charged at £50 an hour and 1.5 hours is charged at £75

Concessions are available, including student discount.

"I had supervision with Lucy every two weeks for some time. I felt very comfortable discussing my clients as Lucy created a space that made me feel completely at ease and able to be honest about my thoughts and feelings regarding my clients. She reassured me whenever I doubted my ability as a counsellor and always offered considerate and sound advice. Nothing was off limits to talk about and there were a good few sessions where Lucy really held the space as a counsellor and not just my supervisor."



"Lucy supported me with Supervision during my second year of my Level 4 Diploma in Therapeutic Counselling. From the first session I felt very at ease to bring anything that was important for me and the sessions felt nurturing and very accepting despite all my stumbles and uncertainties. I found her very knowledgeable and learnt a lot from the resources and tips she shared on how to manage my caseload. She is aware of the Level 4 course content as well as the requirements of CPCAB, this in itself was a huge benefit as she was able to make sure I had the correct forms signed on time and it took a huge weight off during the last months of my course. Many times she would fit me in at the last minute at my request to ensure I met the correct ratio or if I had a particularly difficult client that I needed to discuss. This flexibility and commitment meant a great deal to me and I cannot thank her enough for her help and support.:



"I have known Lucy for three years in various capacities but lately as my supervisor in placement. I will be working with Lucy now I am in private practice as I feel she is honest and down to earth in her approach. She meets me where I need to be and will hold and/or challenge me as needed. I just feel at ease when we are working together and that’s important to me. I can bring anything and be met with empathy and no judgement. I am looking forward to working together again"
