​​Person-Centred Counselling in Bexhill-on-Sea.

When the other person is hurting, confused, troubled, anxious, alienated, terrified; or when he or she is doubtful of self-worth, uncertain as to identity, then understanding is called for. The gentle and sensitive companionship of an empathic stance… provides illumination and healing. In such situations deep understanding is, I believe, the most precious gift one can give to another.”

― Carl R. Rogers

A person is a fluid process, not a fixed and static entity; a flowing river of change, not a block of solid material; a continually changing constellation of potentialities, not a fixed quantity of traits.”

― Carl R. Rogers, On Becoming a Person: A Therapist's View of Psychotherapy   

​​​Little Lodge Counselling

The Person-centred approach was created by Carl Rogers in the 50's.

This approach focuses on the client and their experience, the counsellor is led by the client and does not give advice or direction, the client stays firmly in-control.

The counsellor is the companion on a journey with the client rather than a guide or expert, leaving the client free to explore themselves.

Person-centred counsellors will aim to provide an environment based on the therapeutic conditions of:

  •  Empathy (towards the client)

  • Unconditional Positive Regard (non-judgemental acceptance of the client)

  • Congruence (genuineness in communication with the client)

This environment can facilitate an atmosphere of acceptance, leading to the potential of the client finding acceptance for themselves.

The BACP have a 'Explanation of theoretical approaches' page that explains the different types of counselling, this can help you as the client make an informed decision on what type of counselling suits your needs.

This can be found at; http://www.bacp.co.uk/seeking_therapist/theoretical_approaches.php