My Name is Lucy and I am a counsellor at Little Lodge, I am BACP Accredited member, registered and insured (more information under the sessions tab). I have been fortunate to work with over 400 clients and I have worked over 6,000 client hours to date (2024), with individuals, couples and teenagers.
Issues I have worked with are:
childhood issues, depression, past affecting the present, health issues, relationship issues, loss of identity, purpose or meaning, issues with alcohol, divorce, lack of confidence, separation, panic attacks, feeling afraid, redundancy, stress, anger, abuse, anxiety, OCD, self esteem issues, work problems, suicide within a family, suicidal thoughts, bereavement, loss of a child. I am a trauma informed counsellor.
Therapy can aid a person to feel; in-control, accepting of themselves and able to cope more with their problems. This is done by focusing on the clients issues, growing their awareness with a counsellor/therapist that is non-judgmental and accepting of them as a person.
Person-Centred Counselling in Bexhill-on-Sea.
Little Lodge Counselling
I facilitate the Eastbourne Person-Centred groupwhich runs monthly. This is a group for trained counsellors/counsellors in training and for anyone who is interested in this approach.
In 2017-2021 I embarked on a teaching career as a tutor for various establishments across East Sussex, including; NCFE East Sussex College and CPCAB courses run by South Coast Wellbeing and Training Centre and CPTA. I have experienced teaching students from level 1, through to level 5 in counselling, including delivering short workshops for mental health in the community. In 2020 I completed my Post Graduate Certificate in Education (PGCE) I enjoyed teaching and being on the journey with students, this I feel, added to my personal development. In late 2022 I started teaching again for a level 5 diploma in psychotherapeutic counselling CPCAB course for CPTA and thelevel 1 Interpersonal skills course for East Sussex College.
I have worked for various different EAP services, such as; Axa, Workplace Options, HELP, BEN, CBT Clinics and Moving Minds, delivering short term therapy for their clients.
I vounteer for Age UK East Sussex as a befriender, helping to combat loneliness in the elderly which is something I am passionate about.
I am a person-centred supervisor, please go to the supervisor page for more information. I offer students on counselling courses discounted rates.
My Mission
My mission as a person-centred counsellor is to enable you, as the client to feel empowered and comfortable within your own skin. To be able to feel confident in who you are and stand up for your needs.